(Some of the ladies
on the Theology week)
on the Theology week)
Dear all,
It has been awhile since I posted anything. I have been tracking most of you on "Facebook", so I have not felt the need to update. I am sorry I skipped summer updates.
I had a great summer. I kicked it off by working at the summer camp that I grew up working at. It was a great time to get acquainted with the camp, old friends, make new one's, and have an awesome cabin! My girls were great, and Jesus did some amazing things that week. We had a great speaker who was relational, down to earth, and yet one of the most challenging speakers we have had in awhile at Camp Morrow. I was a cabin leader for a week of High School camp, and then attended the College weekend, and Family camp. I also made several trips during the weeks of camps to visit for an evening or afternoon! So FUN!
I also helped coordinate and lead the Oasis young adult group at my church. We were challenged to live out the Gospel in practical ways, by helping the homeless, each other, and being challenged to be aware of what is going on in our world concerning any kind of human trafficking. We ended the summer with an all day beach trip and bonfire, so much fun, including Russian Volleyball!
My Job throughout the summer went through a lot of changes with staff and shifts. I went from working most weekends, to working evenings, to working mostly days. A lot of stress, but all good learning and experience to tuck under my belt. We ended the summer with a three day out door adventure camp, which included the rock climbing, conueing, and white water rafting. I was extremely blessed buy this experience! Tomorrow staff head out for a much needed retreat!
My second week of September was spent living in community with some amazing friends. We were in Sun River for a week to broaden our horizon on Theology, my mind is still processing, so when I can get it out and onto paper I will type up some stuff. Until then check out my Friend David's Blog (listed on the side).
I am trying now to settle back into the routine of a schedule~boring~but I guess it is what is needed right now. I am still planning on attending PSU in the fall and I am looking forward to working my brain again in an academic way.
So until we meet or I update again Blessings