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For Everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven:a time to be born and a time to diea time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planteda time to kill and a time to heala time to break down and a time to build upa time to weep and a time to laugha time to mourn and a time to dancea time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones togethera time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracinga time to seek and a time to losea time to keep and a time to cast awaya time to tear and a time to sewa time to keep silence and a time to speaka time to love and a time to hatea time to for war and a time for peace.--Ecclesiastes 3:1-8--Whatever you find yourself in, I hope you are resting and walkingin the truth and peace that Jesus brings!
Hey all,I will post pictures later, but I wanted to give you a brief update on a few things. First off, I think everyone should get "Skype." You can talk to other "Skype" users for FREE! It is amazing, check it out, and let me know if you have it! So that was my commercial! The second update is for my friends in California. None of them were hurt , and their homes were not destroyed! Some of their friends do not have houses though, so you can keep that in your prayers. All my friends had to deal with was smoke smell, so thanks for your prayers! The third thing is, I am now 25! Thanks to all of you who have influenced me to be the person I am today! And the last, but defiantly not least thing is, I am going to Colorado for a Snowboarders For Christ conference!!!! The Lord provided for me to be able to attend, and I am stoked to see what God has planned for Mount Hood after all! Please pray for clear direction for SFC Oregon, and all the details that go hand in hand with doing a snowboarding ministry. Love to you all~J