I am so sorry for the long delay of not putting up a new post! It took a call from a friend in Lithuania to remind me it was not February anymore. :-) So here I am writing a new post and realizing that spring is in the air. Even though it is a bit drizzly, ok it is straight up raining, but I was trying to be optimistic! Yesterday and the day before however were WARM and Sunny! It felt so good to take a walk, and drive down the road with the window open and the fresh air rushing in! Unfortunately I did not take any pics so I have none to post.
So how is everyone? I hope to hear form you by e-mail or by a post.
I have just been keeping busy with work, preparing for a friends wedding, and my sisters wedding. I have also been thinking about going to Japan for two of my friends who met on my team while I was over there. God worked mightily in both of their lives and now they are getting married! How exciting! Work has been good and I am going to be taking my first paid vacation here in about a week! God is good! Family is great and healthy!
God has been working in my life. Renewing the relationship between us that He so longs to have. Through much prayer and spiritual battles I have seen some victory in my life! AMEN! I am also studying with some other lovely ladies the book of 1 Timothy. God's word is powerful and alive!
Snowboarders For Christ has been on the back burner a bit, but God knows the timing and the people he wants for this ministry, so I am just watching and waiting and acting when I need to. My skills as a snowboarder have improved some this year and my goal is to catch some "sick" air when I go off jumps! :) I also love being able to talk with the lifties and just found out about them and why they do their job on the mountain. We have had some great conversations with some people and I hope we can have more of a presence next season on the mountain.
Well that is just a tid bit about me not to much has changed so sorry, I will have some good posts at the end of March so check back soon!
Working as clay in the Master's hand