Hello Friends and Family near and far!
I am writing to tell you about a really cool ministry that is in the works for here in Oregon specifically the Mt. Hood area.
This ministry has been a dream of mine and many others for awhile. The ministry is called Snowboarders for Christ. There is a group of about eight of us that had our "official" SFC meeting last week. We are now working together and applying with the SFC regional director to get this ministry up and running. I ask for your prayers! My heart is to see God glorified through and in this ministry. The mountain culture is a battle field so I want to be prepared for the battle. I am so excited to se how God is going to use this for His kingdom and His Glory. I also want to hear your thoughts on this, cause I know some of you have had this same dream, and have also had a lot more experience then I have had in the Snowboarding culture. Please feel free to post a comment or drop me an e-mail.
Please pray for:
God to be Glorified in ALL we say and do
Team Unity/"Getting to know you" Process
Equipment of all kind
Continued Vision
Hearts on the Mountain
Love and Peace~