Hello all,
Well, I am not sure who all will be reading this but I just wanted to say a BIG hello! Hope all is well with you! I wanted to encourage you today, because I have been encouraged lately by Jesus. Not that I am not usually encouraged, but just lately I have been overwhelmed to know that Jesus is so near to us and through the Holy Spirit He is teaching us and guiding us. I am blessed to know that I am secure in the hands of Jesus. Times can be hard I know, believe me I have been through some, but what I learned is that we have to lean on Jesus and not on ourselves, cause when I did this and when we do this, the enemy who is very REAL can get a foot hold in our life and then he tries to overcome us, BUT in and through Jesus we are OVERCOMERS! Greater is He that is in us, then he that is in the world. ~from the WORD~
Blessings~and don't forget to keep in touch!