Dear Friends,
It has been awhile and for that I am truly sorry. I hope this finds you seeking, living, and walking in the truth. I am going to write out a few different thoughts that Jesus has recently put on my heart due to two events in my life that HE has shown me. These two heart changing things happened with in days of each other and were truly painful at the time, however, through the pain there is beauty and for that I am grateful. So here it is...
Recently I was given a glimpse of Jesus' heart for us. HE loves us unconditionally, He wants that relationship with us, He wants to see us change, learn, live out our purpose, and ultimately walk in fellowship with Him, listening to Him and obeying Him. When we refuse to do this, or are so caught up in ourselves, or our sin, we fail to fulfill our purpose. BUT He still loves us, and that is when his heart breaks for us, His tears our shed for us, and the reason he went to the cross for us becomes relevant once again. When we turn a cold cheek, put on a mask, put up a wall, or whatever our defense is to not listen or hear from Jesus, His heart breaks, but He is still there, He is still calling your name. Little child, my beloved one, remember what I did for you, just listen to me, I can take the chains of sin off of you, just listen to my voice, repent, obey me, and love me. I then ask, Jesus show me to love you, show me what this means, and that is when He gave that above picture to me. If you are not listening, if you are chained, if you are having to put on a mask, repent and walk in the freedom of Jesus. Won't you so this? Won't you live free?
So many tears so many whys, and what ifs, so much sorrow and so much pain. But you lifted us, you freed us, you revealed yourself to us in this horrible time. You helped us stand strong and those who stood strong before us were a testimony to so many. May this be an example to live our lives in the freedom of you Jesus. To testify no matter what. To love, to trust to be joyful, so YOU can have an impact on those around us. Jesus thank you for this reminder, my heart aches at how it happened. Thank you Jesus that you help the ache, and the pain, and you know exactly what each of us are dealing with. Jesus I praise you for the life you have given here on this earth, and am so Thankful that life does not end here, for those who live free in You. Please if you do not know what it means to live free in Jesus ask me or some one who does.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Ranting and Raving...Maybe?
So it is a Friday night the fall chill is in the air, and you can finally see your breath! Portland is recuperating from a week of its popular rain and slight wind storms, so the sidewalks appear to have colorful quilts on them...of leaves of course. I am a conservative middle class Jesus Follower who wants to ultimately see people have a relationship with Jesus. Is that to much to ask? My sis and I drive the hour to down town, picking up a few socks, and hygiene items before we approach the beautiful city lights. We meet in a building with friends and strangers all with one purpose...hopefully...bringing hope... and meeting practical needs. Some appear ecstatic, others a bit afraid and timid, others are like the 60-70 year old man who can't hold in his love and passion for Jesus. We approach the bridge with excitement, and meet the guests with love. So many wanting blankets and sleeping bags, others just wanting a hot meal, some just wanting to talk with someone to be accepted, to be loved, to be apart of society. How did they get there? Some are from other places just passing through, others are Oregonians who just could not make ends meat. Then there are those who are products of our decaying society who were making enough for you and me to live off of, but could not continue to live up to the high stresses that that life brings. Young and old, married or single, brown, white, black, or yellow, strait or homosexual, THEY ARE ALL PRECIOUS IN His SIGHT! They are all searching, all needing a warm meal and a blanket. Some are like the pregnant mother stoked to have a place to stay, even though it is filled with mice and bugs, it's not on the street, or they are like the 33 year old man who is trying to find a job, but has to live on the street for now. So many stories, so many faces, so many NAMES! They are surprisingly friendly after being kicked out of here or there, being called this or that not knowing if they would wake up alive as they sleep outside in the elements and among others who are not so friendly. As I leave there is a new quilt on the streets this time made up of blankets and sleeping bags, tarps and cardboard boxes, my new found friends hunkering down for the night, trying to keep warm and in legal spots of the city. Maybe processing the message of hope they heard from someone, or simply thankful they got a sleeping bag or blanket for that night at least.
1 John 3:17 But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?
Sunday, September 28, 2008

(Some of the ladies
on the Theology week)
on the Theology week)
Dear all,
It has been awhile since I posted anything. I have been tracking most of you on "Facebook", so I have not felt the need to update. I am sorry I skipped summer updates.
I had a great summer. I kicked it off by working at the summer camp that I grew up working at. It was a great time to get acquainted with the camp, old friends, make new one's, and have an awesome cabin! My girls were great, and Jesus did some amazing things that week. We had a great speaker who was relational, down to earth, and yet one of the most challenging speakers we have had in awhile at Camp Morrow. I was a cabin leader for a week of High School camp, and then attended the College weekend, and Family camp. I also made several trips during the weeks of camps to visit for an evening or afternoon! So FUN!
I also helped coordinate and lead the Oasis young adult group at my church. We were challenged to live out the Gospel in practical ways, by helping the homeless, each other, and being challenged to be aware of what is going on in our world concerning any kind of human trafficking. We ended the summer with an all day beach trip and bonfire, so much fun, including Russian Volleyball!
My Job throughout the summer went through a lot of changes with staff and shifts. I went from working most weekends, to working evenings, to working mostly days. A lot of stress, but all good learning and experience to tuck under my belt. We ended the summer with a three day out door adventure camp, which included the rock climbing, conueing, and white water rafting. I was extremely blessed buy this experience! Tomorrow staff head out for a much needed retreat!
My second week of September was spent living in community with some amazing friends. We were in Sun River for a week to broaden our horizon on Theology, my mind is still processing, so when I can get it out and onto paper I will type up some stuff. Until then check out my Friend David's Blog (listed on the side).
I am trying now to settle back into the routine of a schedule~boring~but I guess it is what is needed right now. I am still planning on attending PSU in the fall and I am looking forward to working my brain again in an academic way.
So until we meet or I update again Blessings
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Thursday, May 08, 2008
May Update! Plus California SUN!!!!
Hello My Dear Friends,
I hope this finds you, well, joyous and seeking the Hope of life. I do not know where to begin with an update... I am still working with the youth residents, and loving it more and more. I am moving up in rank, ability, and confidence. PTL I am also still working with the Oasis college group at GSCC. I enjoy getting to know girls and where they are in their journey. I have not traveled overseas as of late, but got to take a trip down to California. I got to see my Friends Sarah and Mike and baby Rachel, as well as the Whisner family. I also got to see five of my friends from YWAM. Two of which were from Japan. It was a fast pace refreshing time. I also got some much needed sun, unfortunately I am WHITE and from Oregon :-)! SO I am now undergoing the peeling process, as if I were a snake! Yuck! YET, worth the tan and the SUN! I am looking forward to summer here. I will be working at Camp Morrow for one week this summer, and continue to work at my job. I am also looking forward to pursuing PSU for the fall. I can't wait to begin to study again and glean more knowledge in the Child and Family development. As for the here and now I am still at home, and going to be helping out even more very soon. My father is going to be having knee surgery, if you think of it please pray. I am also trying to be wise in my finances and more consistent in my quiet time with Jesus so you can keep that in prayer also. Thanks for the prayer, how can I pray for you? Let me know!
Walking in Grace
I hope this finds you, well, joyous and seeking the Hope of life. I do not know where to begin with an update... I am still working with the youth residents, and loving it more and more. I am moving up in rank, ability, and confidence. PTL I am also still working with the Oasis college group at GSCC. I enjoy getting to know girls and where they are in their journey. I have not traveled overseas as of late, but got to take a trip down to California. I got to see my Friends Sarah and Mike and baby Rachel, as well as the Whisner family. I also got to see five of my friends from YWAM. Two of which were from Japan. It was a fast pace refreshing time. I also got some much needed sun, unfortunately I am WHITE and from Oregon :-)! SO I am now undergoing the peeling process, as if I were a snake! Yuck! YET, worth the tan and the SUN! I am looking forward to summer here. I will be working at Camp Morrow for one week this summer, and continue to work at my job. I am also looking forward to pursuing PSU for the fall. I can't wait to begin to study again and glean more knowledge in the Child and Family development. As for the here and now I am still at home, and going to be helping out even more very soon. My father is going to be having knee surgery, if you think of it please pray. I am also trying to be wise in my finances and more consistent in my quiet time with Jesus so you can keep that in prayer also. Thanks for the prayer, how can I pray for you? Let me know!
Walking in Grace
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Not quite and update...
O.K. so it has been quite a while since I have updated. Sorry about that. I have not been overly busy, but busy enough not to update, I guess. This is not really going to be an update either. I will post one of those soon. This is just a shout out to everyone... Love and Miss you...check back soon for an update.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Love is Patient, Love is Kind...
Hello All, I am writing a delayed update and a short one at that. The snow is melting away at my house now, and the spring sun is shining brightly! It has been wonderful to enjoy the beauty that our Heavenly Daddy gives us, what a treat! The near future holds, bridal showers and baby showers for two different dear friends, more work, SFC Colorado visit to Oregon, hopefully some snowboarding, fellowship with Oasis ladies, and spending time with Jesus. PLUS visits to and from dear friends from across the globe. I am so excited for spring to come and go, so that summer can arrive and the blessed times of swimming in the lakes, white water rafting, camp, and fireside gatherings with new and old friends can arrive. Give me a ring or an e-mail and let me know how you are doing.
Blessings ~J
Blessings ~J
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