Friday, April 10, 2009

It has been a while!

Dear Friends,
It has been awhile and for that I am truly sorry. I hope this finds you seeking, living, and walking in the truth. I am going to write out a few different thoughts that Jesus has recently put on my heart due to two events in my life that HE has shown me. These two heart changing things happened with in days of each other and were truly painful at the time, however, through the pain there is beauty and for that I am grateful. So here it is...

Recently I was given a glimpse of Jesus' heart for us. HE loves us unconditionally, He wants that relationship with us, He wants to see us change, learn, live out our purpose, and ultimately walk in fellowship with Him, listening to Him and obeying Him. When we refuse to do this, or are so caught up in ourselves, or our sin, we fail to fulfill our purpose. BUT He still loves us, and that is when his heart breaks for us, His tears our shed for us, and the reason he went to the cross for us becomes relevant once again. When we turn a cold cheek, put on a mask, put up a wall, or whatever our defense is to not listen or hear from Jesus, His heart breaks, but He is still there, He is still calling your name. Little child, my beloved one, remember what I did for you, just listen to me, I can take the chains of sin off of you, just listen to my voice, repent, obey me, and love me. I then ask, Jesus show me to love you, show me what this means, and that is when He gave that above picture to me. If you are not listening, if you are chained, if you are having to put on a mask, repent and walk in the freedom of Jesus. Won't you so this? Won't you live free?

So many tears so many whys, and what ifs, so much sorrow and so much pain. But you lifted us, you freed us, you revealed yourself to us in this horrible time. You helped us stand strong and those who stood strong before us were a testimony to so many. May this be an example to live our lives in the freedom of you Jesus. To testify no matter what. To love, to trust to be joyful, so YOU can have an impact on those around us. Jesus thank you for this reminder, my heart aches at how it happened. Thank you Jesus that you help the ache, and the pain, and you know exactly what each of us are dealing with. Jesus I praise you for the life you have given here on this earth, and am so Thankful that life does not end here, for those who live free in You. Please if you do not know what it means to live free in Jesus ask me or some one who does.
